Department Of Microbiology

We culture microorganisms from various sources like blood, pus, and urine to determine the cause of infection and the organism’s susceptibility to drugs.

Comprehensive Clinical Services For Microbiology

The Microbiology Lab at Agam Diagnostics is dedicated to diagnosing infectious diseases by deploying microscopy techniques, detecting antibodies, and isolating culture media. We also conduct antimicrobial susceptibility tests to zero in on the best possible antibiotic to treat the infection.
Our Microbiology lab in Madurai is a complete contamination-free environment equipped with a Laminar Air Flow working chamber for the safe handling of infectious microorganisms. Our wide range of microbiological services includes day-to-day testing for infectious diseases, specialised esoteric testing for other hospitals, etc. Agam Diagnostics also serves as the largest referral and diagnostic centre in Madurai for clinical pharmaceutical trials.

Equipment In Our NABL Accredited Microbiology Lab

Our Microbiology lab is chock-full with automated systems to handle a slew of blood cultures, mycobacterium cultures, and bacterial determination.
BD Phoenix™ M50
The BD Phoenix™ M50 is minimal maintenance equipment that outranks other equipment like Vitek2 and MicroScan in performance and efficiency. It can process upto 50 samples and uses oxidation-reduction indicators and turbidity growth reduction to provide accurate susceptibility results.
Its compact, stackable design allows us to increase testing volumes within the same footprint. Furthermore, the instrument panels for redox and turbidity every twenty minutes can go on for upto 16 hours. It requires no reagent additions post-inoculation. The final test results require only a few additional tests.
Assured Quality & Accuracy
Our CAP and NABL accredited, fully automated lab holds quality control in high reverence to deliver flawless results every single time.
Madurai Branch

Agam Diagnostics
Ground Floor, Plot No.17-R-1,
120, feet Road,
Vivekananda Nagar, Sambakulam,
Madurai - 625 007,
Tamil Nadu.

Tirunelveli Branch

Agam Diagnostics
Opp. To Gover.
Super Specialty Hospital,,
Tirunelveli - 627011,
Tamil Nadu.

Trichy Branch

Agam Diagnostics
4A, 3, 10th Cross St,
Thillai Nagar East,
Thillai Nagar,
Tamil Nadu 620018

Udumalpet Branch

Agam Diagnostics
#21, Dhali Road,
Tirupur District.
Tamil Nadu.

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